Communication is an integral part of life and one of its most significant necessities. It’s especially crucial in the workplace to ensure that everyone has a quality experience there. This piece will provide you with information on communication strengths and weaknesses so that you can better understand how to navigate your workplace relations.
Types of Communication
Many communication types exist, but verbal communication is the most commonly used method used to convey messages. This form of relating to others uses words, structures, and tones to express thoughts, ideas, opinions, and desires. Verbal communication is vital in the workplace because it’s the tool mainly used to delegate, collaborate, and integrate the workforce.
Visual communication must also be precise and high quality for the office to run effectively. This type of communication includes signs, flyers, charts, diagrams, videos, and more. All workplaces use visual communication in some form or another to educate, inform, notify, and warn their workers and staff members of operational procedures, policies, and directives.
Written communication is another common tool used in the workplace. It includes emails, memos, chats, texts, PDA messages, etc. All contact must be strong in the workplace to manifest the company’s vision of a united front.
Why Communication Strength Is Crucial
Strong communication skills are essential because they create a harmonious environment between the management staff and the workers. The best leaders are people who can communicate well and motivate, inspire, and encourage the people who work under them. There are five key elements one must have to be considered a strong communicator. They are:
Knowing the right time to say something is almost as important as saying it. Strong communicators have a knack for taking people’s temperature and knowing when to approach them with communications.
For example, a strong communicator would understand that the workplace’s busiest hours aren’t the best time to converse about trivial matters or ask complex questions that deserve thorough answers. A supervisor with adept communication skills also knows the best time to approach a worker about an infraction, instruction, or coaching session.
The tones a person uses can make or break workplace relationships. A negative tone can cause workers to feel uncomfortable enough to exit their positions, and a positive tone can boost worker morale significantly. Strong communicators are skilled in using warm tones while expressing themselves boldly and efficiently to get their point across.
Clarity is the cornerstone of communication, and a strong communicator knows how to articulate with the most precise verbiage. Communicators must be talented enough to understand the diversity of the workforce.
Workers come from different economic backgrounds, ethnicities, and family systems. They also have versatile personalities. Thus, the communicator must find creative ways to express himself or herself in ways that everyone can understand.
Everything said and written has an intention. Powerful communicators are well versed in carrying out the appropriate intentions for any given situation. These gifted people also make communication decisions for the good of the company for which they work.
Written and unwritten rules of etiquette exist for all communication types. It takes skilled people to know the proper etiquette, even when such rules aren’t written in stone.
For example, it’s not proper etiquette for a manager to badmouth an employee to other employees. It’s also not proper etiquette for workers to bash their managers when communicating with peers, clients, or other managers.
What Are Organizational Communication Strengths and Weaknesses?
Organizational communication strengths are special skills that leadership members have or are supposed to have. These are five of the strongest and weakest elements of organizational communication:
Compassion is a must in all types of communication, not just leadership efforts. All team members can accomplish much more for the organization if they care. Compassion is warmth towards other human beings and having a genuine interest and investment in the business’s goals.
Empathy and compassion are often used interchangeably. However, they are not the same thing. Compassion is caring, but empathy is understanding. An empathetic communicator has the unique ability to walk in other people’s shoes and understand their plight. As a result, they can make the most compassionate decisions when helping those individuals or communicating with them.
Empathic people understand what it’s like to be in certain situations, and they consider those plights when deciding how to express points. For example, a compassionate leader might feel sorry for someone struggling with a job, but an empathic leader will ensure that the worker gets the proper tools to succeed.
A study by Social revealed that 92 percent of workers would be reluctant to leave their jobs if their bosses had more empathy. That says a lot about how important it is for supervisors and managers to have it.
Assertiveness is being aware of one’s surroundings at all times. It’s a golden quality that all business leaders should have regarding workplace relations. Being aware of what’s going on in the workplace forces leaders to think of strategies to cultivate a strong workforce.
Read More: 15 Best Books on Assertiveness in the Workplace
Enthusiasm is excitement about the business processes, the team, and life itself. Strong communicators know how to brighten up people’s days because their enthusiasm carries over into their communications.
Persuasiveness is a useful quality for a communicator to have. That persuasiveness can convince people to increase their efforts, solve problems, and reach for the stars in some cases. It can carry over into any communication, whether written letters, meeting speeches, or emailed newsletters.
Poor Organizational Communications
Organizational communication has some bad sides to it as well. They consist of:
Being available for the team is part of interpersonal relations and communication. A leader must be available to his or her underlings at all times to handle crises, answer inquiries, and provide coaching. Way too often, managerial members are unavailable for their staff. Such poor communications can damage new hires’ experiences and cause unnecessary turnover.
Everything a person does on the job is a form of communication. Tardiness and absence are a silent way of showing disdain and disrespect toward everyone who expects the individual to be there. Sometimes, poor communicators use those practices to convey their resentment or disgust without having to elaborate on what’s bothering them. That in itself is one of the most negatively powerful communication weaknesses examples.
Disorganization is yet another example of weak communication skills. Leaders who are disorganized communicate that the workplace is not their priority, nor are the workers who need their guidance. This type of communication causes more problems than most people think.
Evasiveness is the complete opposite of clarity. Evasive communications leave employees and other workers feeling unsatisfied with their problems unresolved. It’s a bad practice some not-so-strong leaders use to avoid conflict.
Inattentiveness spills into communication and pours out as complete rudeness. It expresses to team members that the communicator doesn’t care about anything, let alone their wellness and success.
Communication Strengths Example
Now we’ll talk about some general communication strengths and weaknesses, and you can implement them. These are practices used often by good communicators:
Strong eye contact
Eye contact is the mark of honesty and sincerity. Thus, you must keep your eyes on the person you talk to, and it lets them know you have their full attention and value it.
Direct speech
Speaking directly to the other party rather than going around them and beating around the bush is a great way to handle it. There should be no confusion about whether you’re speaking to the person or not.
Be honest in all of your communication. You should be true even if you have bad news to tell someone like they’re fired, or their performance isn’t up to par. The person will appreciate you for telling the truth in the end.
Saying what you mean
Saying what you mean and meaning what you say is another version of clarity. Be clear at all times.
Smiling when you’re speaking makes the other person feel invited by you and happy to be in your presence. Thus, you should do it as much as possible.
Nodding is a great communication strengths examples. It lets the other person know you hear them and have considered them. It’s great practice to do when someone talks to you.
Using Open body language
Body language should always be open and welcome and never closed off and uninterested. Your coworkers will likely get the impression that
Communication Weaknesses in the Workplace
The following are examples of weak communications you should avoid:
- Hesitation: Pauses and filler words like “um” suggest uncertainty or lack of confidence when speaking.
- Low volume: Speaking too softly can make it hard for others to hear and engage with what’s being said.
- Indecisiveness: Constantly wavering or changing positions shows an inability to take a firm stance.
- Unpreparedness: Lack of preparation leads to disorganized and unclear messages.
- Disinterest: Appearing bored, distracted or indifferent conveys disregard for the speaker and conversation.
- Constant disruptions: Frequently breaking into others’ conversations or presentations disrupts the flow of information. This habit implies the interrupter lacks respect for the speaker and can damage relationships over time.
You should now have an extensive understanding of what constitutes bad and good communication in the workplace. If you are struggling with poor communication, you may benefit from speaking to a coach or speech therapist. If you know another party who is experiencing such problems, you can refer them to the same speech therapist. The good news is that tools are readily available to help you overcome any obstacle so that you can deal with interpersonal communication strengths and weaknesses. Don’t ignore communication problems in the workplace.
Read More:
- Why Are Transferable Skills Important: What Are They and How To Develop Them
- Career Change: The 5 Must-Have Skills to Change Your Career Successfully
- 15 Signs Of Poor Communication Skills And How To Fix Them
- Difference Between Public Speaking And Interpersonal Communication
- Want To Be Taken More Seriously? Here Are 9 Communication Hacks That Work
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