

21 Best Desk Accessories For Work That Provide Organization And Functionality

When it comes time to choose the best desk accessories for work, there is no shortage of options available. It can be hard to narrow them down at times, can’t they? That’s why this guide is here to help you out. Without the proper accessories, a job can become far more boring and monotonous than necessary. Be sure to read on and learn more about how these desk accessories can provide organization and functionality:

1. Laptop and Keyboard Stand

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With access to a proper laptop and keyboard stand, it is much easier for those who are desk-bound all day to correct any issues that they may be experiencing posture-wise. In addition to the benefits from a posture standpoint, workers are also able to complete their tasks more effectively. Thanks to all of the ergonomic options out there today, you can also avoid the development of carpal tunnel syndrome.

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2. Wireless Mouse

wireless mouse is an absolute must for anyone who is looking to improve their organization and functionality at the workplace. The lack of wires is a major plus, as it allows for far less clutter. The wireless mouse also provides the necessary wrist support, reducing the amount of wrist fatigue that a worker experiences during each of their shifts.

3. Memo Dispenser

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Having a dispenser for Post Its and/or memos is a great way to reduce clutter in a workplace setting. For some, memos are being sent out to the rest of the staff members on a regular basis. For others, these notes are a great way to remind oneself of tasks that still need to be completed. Some may even choose a more decorative to add some pizzazz to their work area.

4. Plants

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To build on the previous point, plants are another awesome method for brightening up the workplace. Neutral colors can make for a very dreary place to work. Plants serve as a way to offset those concerns. Succulents are the best choice in these instances, as they are a low-maintenance plant that does not require a massive amount of attention.

5. Mouse Pad

If a mouse pad is too small, this can cause a number of unforeseen issues. The process of spending hours at a time working on a computer can get very tedious, very quickly. These problems are only worsened when the mouse pad is old, worn down or not big enough for the task at hand.

6. Smart Notebooks

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If you are the type who does not like to write things down on paper, a smart notebook is the best possible choice in these instances. These are a popular choice for anyone who prefers writing things down to typing them out. With the help of an app, the notes are able to be digitized, lessening the chances of misplacing them later on. As an added bonus, the employee also gets to avoid wasting paper.

7. Insulated Mugs

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There are going to be instances where an employee has to endure long meetings. Or, you may have instances where you are so busy working that you forget to heat your drink up (or cool it down). An insulated travel mug is a wonderful investment for anyone who is looking to avoid these annoyances in the workplace.

8. Vertical Phone Charger

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Your desk already has so much clutter. The last thing that you need is a traditional phone charger that is only going to take up even more space. A vertical phone charger is an easy way to clear up the desk and you’re even able to see your notifications while the device charges. There are no more tangled wires to worry about, either.

9. Keyboard Cover

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One of the best desk accessories for work, a keyboard cover is a great way to muffle the loud keyboard strokes that take place throughout the day. It is also helpful to employees who are looking to protect their keyboards from food and drink-related mishaps. This is especially valuable in an office where everyone is working in close proximity with one another. Accidents happen but it is always best to be prepared.

10. Desk Clamp Power Strips

Instead of having to worry about outdated sources of power, the desk clamp power strip allows you to sidestep these concerns by bringing the power straight to your work area. The computer, cell phone, laptop and lamp can be powered more easily than ever before. The strip clamps right to the desk and any device can be charged from there. All cables are now kept within the same area.

11. LED Lamps

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Speaking of lamps, an LED desk lamp is a wonderful addition for anyone who is looking to have more control over the amount of light that they experience. The added color modes offer a nice touch, making the LED desk lamp one of the best desk accessories for work. Flexible designs also make it easier to adjust the lamp as needed.

12. Privacy Panels

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All offices do not rely on cubicles and as such, a privacy panel is a must for any employee that does not want to feel like they are being watched over at all times. It can be tough to work in these conditions. No one wants to be monitored and sometimes, it is nice to have some privacy. This keeps the nosy coworkers at bay and provides you with the necessary peace of mind.

13. Swiveling Desk Drawer

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The swiveling desk drawer is one of the best desk accessories for work because it allows employees to create all kinds of space that they would not have had access to otherwise. Let’s say that you have a lot of small items on your desk that are causing the space to become more cluttered than necessary. The swiveling desk drawer is top-notch for removing all of this superfluous clutter. Installation and access are as simple as it gets.

14. Flow Board

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The flow board is becoming more and more popular in the modern workplace and it is time that you found out why. These accessories are great for managing fatigue, maintaining high levels of energy and a stronger sense of muscle memory. It’s the perfect accessory for any multi-tasking office worker plus it serves as an easy way to get some exercise at the workplace.

15. Stress Balls

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Work can be very stressful at times and this should go without saying. That’s why stress balls are a top-tier choice for anyone who is looking to alleviate their work-related anxiety. If a stressful situation happens to arise, it is much easier for an employee to take a moment to decompress when they already have the tools available.

16. Filing Cabinet

Every office has one and for good reason. Now, you will have the opportunity to obtain a filing cabinet of your own. There are all kinds of options available so that you are able to find the filing cabinet that works best for your personal needs.

17. Daily Calendar

There are all sorts of choices that can be made here. Some may choose a word of the day calendar, others may want to read helpful affirmations. Meanwhile, there are those who are more into inspirational quotes. Regardless of where your loyalties lie, there is sure to be a daily calendar that aligns perfectly with your personal sensibilities.

18. Hourglass

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Sure, you can check your phone whenever you want to know what time it is, but where is the fun in that? With the hourglass desk set, you are able to manage time in a cool and interesting way. Let’s say that you need to focus on the task at hand for 30 minutes. The hourglass provides an excellent visual aid in this regard, letting you know exactly how much time has passed. This gives you the chance to assess your productivity in real-time, ensuring that you remain on task.

19. Pen Cup

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Everyone has been in the following predicament before. You are presented with some paperwork you need to sign or maybe you need to jot down a quick little note to yourself. There’s just one problem, though. You can’t seem to find a pen and all of the ones that you can find are all dried out. That’s why a pen cup needs to be purchased. It’s one of the best desk accessories for work because it allows us to avoid this all too common annoyance.

20. Fun Staplers

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Gone are the days of being stuck the same old same stapler. You are no longer going to be forced to purchase the same black stapler that everyone else already has. Go ahead and pick out one that matches your personality and/or your workplace decor. It’ll truly liven up the place.

21. Computer Glasses

These are not always commonly considered accessories at the workplace but they should be. Some do not see them as an accessory and maybe they are right in the most technical sense. However, glasses are a great way to avoid all sorts of computer-related maladies. Dry eyes and headaches become much less common when the proper glasses are used.

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About Author

Founder of With over 20 years of experience in HR and various roles in corporate world, Jenny shares tips and advice to help professionals advance in their careers. Her blog is a go-to resource for anyone looking to improve their skills, land their dream job, or make a career change.

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