

How To Get Someone Fired For Bad Customer Service

A successful business demands excellent customer service. When all employees provide a positive experience, you’re going to see repeat customers, positive online reviews, and excellent word-of-mouth advertising. Any employee who demonstrates bad customer service puts the business at risk.

If you have a co-worker with poor customer service skills or have experienced bad service yourself from an employee, their termination is a very real possibility. If you’re wondering how to get someone fired for bad customer service, you need to understand what is legally allowed and how the situation should be handled.

How to Get Someone Fired as a Customer

It happens to everyone sooner or later. You go into a business, and the person you are dealing with is rude or unhelpful. They may not acknowledge your problem, make you repeat yourself, or keep you waiting.

These situations leave you so angry that you want these people fired. While this isn’t very likely to happen, there are ways to be heard and have your problem resolved. This begins by reporting the issue through the proper channels.

• Provide feedback
Many companies ask customers to fill out a survey about their experience. Start here. Describe the incident in detail.

This is often anonymous, so you may also want to contact the company personally.

• Send an email
Send an email to the company describing the service you received. Let them know why you are dissatisfied and how they can make it better. You should get an immediate response acknowledging that they received your email and letting you know when you can expect a response.

• File a complaint
If all of these actions haven’t worked, you can file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. They will evaluate the situation and send you a reply within two working days.

If your complaint is accepted by the BBB, they pass it along to the business in question and give them two weeks to respond. Include all of the details in your complaint.

How to Get Someone Fired for Bad Customer Service as a Co-Worker

Everyone has had a co-worker who drives them nuts. These people can simply make your workplace unbearable, but there are times when those co-workers are also putting the entire company in jeopardy with their poor customer service.

If you’re trying to get someone fired for bad customer service, there are certain steps to take. You want to remain on good terms with your employer and other co-workers. This type of situation can easily take a turn and make you look like the problem.

Before trying to get that co-worker fired, determine if that’s truly the best solution for their bad behavior.


Before you rush into the boss’s office to complain, reflect on the problem. Ask yourself exactly why you want them terminated. Is it more of a personal issue than a company problem?

If you think this person doesn’t like you or is annoying, this isn’t enough for them to be fired. On the other hand, if their behavior is creating a negative environment and driving customers away, you may have a legitimate reason to point out their bad customer service to your employer.

Talk to Them

Try talking to them personally about it first. Only do this if you feel safe. If the situation is more serious and is creating a hostile work environment, it would be better to talk to your employer or human resources department instead.

Don’t make firing them your goal. Instead, work on resolving the issue.

Let your co-worker know exactly what the problem is. Explain how the bad customer service is affecting you, other workers, and the company. Ask them for their help in resolving the problem.

If several of your co-workers feel the same as you about this individual’s customer service, ask one or two of them to join in on your conversation. Keep the group small. You don’t want the individual to feel like you’re ganging up on them. 

Discuss the Bad Customer Service with Your Manager

If you don’t feel safe talking directly with this co-worker, or if you did talk to them and it made no difference, you’ll need to talk to your boss. Set up a time to talk to your manager in person about this co-worker’s bad customer service. Making an appointment in advance ensures that you aren’t catching them at a bad time.

Don’t rely on your emotions during this discussion. It will only make you sound like you’re complaining. Calmly explain the issue and how you feel it is affecting the company.

Provide specific examples of when you witnessed this person’s poor customer service. It can be helpful to document your co-worker’s behavior for a couple of weeks before going to your employer. Be sure to include the exact dates, times, and details of each incident.

Be direct and to the point. You don’t want to waste your boss’s precious time on your complaining.

If your other co-workers are also concerned over this person’s bad customer service, ask if you can mention their names during your meeting. This provides credibility. Be sure you have their permission first.

Focus on possible solutions. Don’t just ask your employer to fire them. Instead, ask for help improving the situation.

If your employer specifically asks you how you think it should be handled, you can then give your opinion. Just remember, you can’t make them fire this person. It’s their decision.

Related Article: How To Deal With Someone Trying To Get Me Fired

In Conclusion

Regardless of whether you’re a customer who had a bad experience or a coworker wanting to know how to get someone fired for bad customer service, don’t stress if they aren’t immediately terminated. As long as they aren’t creating a hostile and unsafe environment, many employers will give them a warning and start keeping an eye on their behavior. Simply know that if their poor service continues, action will be taken.

About Author

Founder of With over 20 years of experience in HR and various roles in corporate world, Jenny shares tips and advice to help professionals advance in their careers. Her blog is a go-to resource for anyone looking to improve their skills, land their dream job, or make a career change.

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