The first question you might have on your mind if you struggle with fitting in at work is, “Why do employers hate introverts so much?” Maybe you heard that they hate introverts from someone else, and you want to clarify whether it’s true. Here’s some information on introversion and the employer’s perspective.
Are You an Introvert?
Many people believe that introverts are individuals who don’t like people. That’s far from the truth, but it might seem that way because some of them are shy around other individuals.
Introverts are quiet, naturally cautious, guarded, and observant. They love being alone but are not opposed to spending time around a handful of people they can trust. That’s where things get complicated in the workplace.
A newly hired introvert will be in a shell for some time, and his or her employers might not get to see the good qualities, skills, and aspirations if they aren’t patient and don’t understand the individual.
If this sounds like you, you are most likely an introvert.
Why Do Employers Hate Introverts?
It’s not likely that employers sit back and hate all introverts. However, they aren’t very patient, and introverts don’t exactly fit the corporate mold. Many employers expect their workers to be outgoing, personable, and gung-ho about the business’s goals.
Introverts need time to adjust to their new surroundings and discover who they can and can’t trust. Many aren’t eager to get involved in personal conversations, small talk, and twenty questions because they are very guarded at first.
These toned-down and timid-seeming behaviors may frustrate a non-empathetic employer rapidly. The bosses may treat an introvert as nothing more than an annoyance or someone in the way. It’s even likely that a crude boss would say something like, “What did I even hire you for?”
That doesn’t mean introverts don’t work hard, but employers tend to focus on what they perceive as wrong much more than anything the employees ever do right.
Why Do Introverts Struggle at Work?
The main reason introverts struggle at work is that the drain of being around various personalities depletes their energy. If workplace energy is primarily negative, an introverted person will struggle even more.
All introverts need time to recharge after being exposed to other people in the workplace and different public settings, but an introvert who has to deal with harassing behavior or negative output will likely need more time if he or she lasts on the job at all.
That’s not to say that no introvert can’t make it in the corporate world. The trick is that it takes time. In time, an introverted person will develop trust in the people within the circle, but it won’t happen right away.
However, it may never happen if the people in the circle are untrustworthy, condescending, or cruel. It depends on the corporate establishment and whether the vibe is primarily negative or positive.
Read More: 15 Early Warning Signs You Don’t Fit In At Work (And How To Deal With It)
Should You Try To Become an Extrovert?
You should not try to become anyone you aren’t. You are who you are, and you should never try to force-change yourself to appease other people. Can a shy or introverted person be successful in a work setting? Yes, you can. What you can do is try to find the positives of being an introvert and use them to your advantage.
Are Introverts Less Likely To Get Hired?
According to HBR, more than half of the people in the US are introverted. They are not any less likely to get hired than anyone else unless they show tell-tale signs of introversion in an interview.
For example, an introvert may not do well in a panel interview because of the number of new people they have to deal with at once. Otherwise, introverts can get hired. The first few weeks might be a struggle, but it will get better in time if the employer is willing to work with them.
How To Survive as an Introvert in the Corporate World
You’ll need some survival tips if you are an introvert who wants to work in the corporate world. These are some things you can do to thrive:
Get Enough Rest
Getting the appropriate amount of sleep each night will help you maintain your energy so you’ll be less prone to draining. Give yourself eight hours of rest for a fresh new daily experience.
Take Your Breaks Alone
Take time during your lunch break to get the alone time you need after the stimulation of the social event. Thirty to 60 minutes is the perfect “you” time to bounce back from exhaustion.
Break the Ice With One Person at a Time
The best way to trust coworkers and bosses is to break the ice with one person at a time. Pick someone you feel is safe and start a conversation. Alternatively, you can wait until they come to you. Welcome the conversation so that they’ll know you aren’t stoic and non-approachable. Move on to the next person when you’re ready.
Keep Being Reliable and Dependable
You’re probably a reliable person when you want to be. Keep being that way in the workplace, and your bosses and workers will find value in that aspect of your personality.
Avoid Individuals You Can’t Trust
Avoid conversations and non-work-related interactions with people you don’t trust. When it comes to working, however, you still need to find a way to communicate with people who aren’t very friendly or straightforward.
Do what you need to do from a business operations sense, and then move along with your daily activities. Don’t get caught up in responding to negative words or trying to figure out what you did wrong. The chances are high that you did nothing wrong, but you don’t fit in.
Try Not To Overthink Things
Because introverts are naturally observant, you might pick up on all kinds of banter and see right through it. That’s what probably made you ask, “Why do employers hate introverts?” Try to be a little less observant of what’s going on around you and focus on the job you need to do. It will help cut down on hurt feelings and offendedness.
Leave Your Comfort Zone Sometimes
Doing things outside of your comfort zone may make you feel uneasy, but that’s how you grow. Don’t put too much of a strain on yourself, but try doing something different now and again. For example, you might ask your employer if you can work a different role for half a shift or something.
You could also try going to a different location to help another store from time to time. These things will help you get used to the awkwardness of being around new people and doing things you aren’t used to doing.
Select an Appropriate Role
Ensure that you choose roles that accommodate your introversion. Going out of your comfort zone is one thing, but choosing inappropriate roles is another. For example, you’d probably do much better in a behind-the-scenes job than one that has you constantly around other people.
Try to apply for positions that give you space or at least a little time alone throughout the day. That shouldn’t be a problem if your employer needs people to fill those positions. Unfortunately, some employers like to do the opposite when they know you prefer the solitude.
Fake It and Make It
Now would be a good time to try to live the phrase, “Fake it ’til you make it.” Avoid letting other people see how uncomfortable you are in the workplace mix because it will make you vulnerable to little personal attacks. Try to keep a smile on your face, even when you feel like leaving the area just to find some time alone.
The restroom is an excellent place to go when you feel like you need time alone right away. You can try escaping for a few minutes to regroup if things get to be too much for you throughout the day. Don’t leave for the bathroom too many times, though, or your employers and coworkers might have something negative to say about that, too.
Remind Yourself of Your Accomplishments
You probably have to face a lot of criticism and maybe a little ridicule. That’s why it’s crucial to remind yourself of your talents. Whenever you get down about what other people think of you, remember some of the awesome things you accomplished despite the trials and opposition in your life.
Also, remember that you are not any of the negative things other people say you are, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with you just because you are not extroverted. According to The Hustle, introverts make great leaders because they are technical, analytical, and innovative. Remember that the next time someone makes you feel worthless because you like to keep your distance.
Now you know how to cope as an introvert at work and how you can navigate a corporate job. Remember to take it easy on yourself even if the rest of the world doesn’t. Thriving as an introvert is possible, as there are good points and bad points to being who you are.
Read More:
- 7 Tips How To Mingle With Everyone, Even If You’re An Introvert
- “I Feel Like I Don’t Connect With Anyone Anymore” — Why Do You Experience This?
- How To Overcome Your Shyness And Become A Bold Person
- 17 Worst Jobs For Empaths (That Will Ruin Your Life and Career)
- 8 Dangers Empaths Face In The Toxic Workplace (And Tips To Survive)
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