Philanthropist Steve Maraboli once said that life does not get any easier or more forgiving as each day passes. Instead, we get stronger and more resilient. That’s true in every aspect of life, including the workplace. This piece will discuss resilience, what it means for work, and examples of resilience in the workplace.
What Is Resilience?
Resilience is the strong ability to spring back from hardship and continue to press forward when unexpected things occur. Examples of unforeseen difficulties include job losses, health issues, loss of loved ones, divorces, injustices, and difficult working conditions.
If you are resilient, you have an inner strength that enables you to crawl out of proverbial ditches and rise again. The workplace can sometimes be so demanding and harsh that you’ll need to rely on your resilience to survive.
Do You Need To Be Resilient in All Workplaces?
Not all workplaces necessarily deserve your effort and resilience. Some places of employment aren’t good fits for you, and perhaps that’s why it seems as if you’re swimming upstream or moving against the grain. That said, a good job is worth fighting for if you want to make it work.
Examples of Showing Resilience
The following are some examples of resilience in non-work situations:
Recovering From an Injury or Illness
Feeling sorry for yourself is easy when you suffer an injury or medical issue and no one’s around to help. It takes more strength and resilience to believe that you will recover and take the necessary steps to facilitate your healing.
You must tell yourself that you will not accept defeat and will no longer lie down for the condition. Research, exercise, supplementation, and a positive mindset will get you through.
Making Career Changes After a Job Loss
A job loss can hit you like an 18-wheeler when you’re used to doing something and have a career path planned. But life has a weird way of throwing steaming curveballs at you, and the only way to win is to swing your bat when they come. As a resilient person, you’ll be able to take advantage of your other skills and talents to create a new path for yourself.
Securing Housing After an Unfortunate Event
Losing a home is a tough event, and it might take years before you can re-establish yourself. Setting a realistic goal with what you have is the best way to be resilient in that situation. You may not get another home overnight, but you must believe it will happen to you one day.
Paying off Debt After Your Score Tanks
Millions of people are overwhelmed with debt right now, and a lot of it has to do with the pandemic. Nevertheless, you must pay off your debt using a strategy that works for you. Take it one step at a time and pay a little extra until you see your account balance dwindle.
Healing and Finding Love Again After Divorce
Taking time away from a relationship after a bad breakup shows resilience. Putting effort into becoming the best version of yourself is another way to live life more productively.
Keeping Your Sense of Humor Despite Trials and Tribulations
We all go through trials, but it doesn’t mean we should lose our smiles. Consider yourself resilient if you can still smile after surviving many crises.
Adapting in Chaotic Situations
Different aspects of life can get confusing, frustrating, and chaotic. Learning how to deal with those occurrences with a cool head is an excellent way to show your resilience.
Why Is Resilience Important in the Workplace?
Resilience is important in the workplace because it helps workers to thrive. A resilient worker handles stressors, challenges, roadblocks, complications, and problems effectively and continues to work well. It’s a necessary quality because it promotes teamwork and boosts morale throughout the establishment.
How To Demonstrate Resilience at Work
The following are the 15 best tips and examples of being resilient in the workplace:
1. Staying Thankful
Thankfulness is one of the most effective examples of resilience at work. It can be hard to stay thankful while knowing that you need so much more than what your job offers you. This is why you must focus on what you have instead of being upset about what you don’t have.
First, be thankful that an employer allows you to work for them and pay you for your work. The world doesn’t promise jobs to anyone; thus, you have something if you have one.
Next, be grateful for whatever benefits they offer you as a worker and utilize them to the fullest. Try to look at everything with a glass-half-full mindset instead of a half-empty one, and you can make yourself a little bit happier during your work stint.
2. Accepting Your Position
Accept the position you have, even if it isn’t your desired position. Many people become paralyzed and demotivated when they find out they won’t advance or get the positions they want, but you don’t have to stunt your own growth like that.
You can’t change your employer’s mind about where or how they utilize you. All you can do is reach a place of acceptance and think positively about your role there. Keep in mind that it’s just a role you play there.
It doesn’t mean you can’t strive to be something greater outside of the organization. But you must assume the role and work hard while you’re there, or turn in your resignation and be whoever you feel you are meant to be.
3. Focusing on Your Work Tasks
Keeping your focus straight is one of the first examples of resilience at work to master. It can be easy to get put off by politics and competition and other undesirable things that happen inside a workplace. Showing resilience means teaching yourself to ignore those dynamics, even when they happen right in your face.
Until you learn that skill, the dark side of the universe will always annoy you, frustrate you, and steal every ounce of the joy you ever have in anything. Remember who you are and everything you’re good at, and don’t put your confidence or esteem in anyone else’s hands.
4. Pushing Through Discomfort
You will experience uncomfortable situations in your workplace, such as people you’re not too fond of and circumstances that make you unhappy. You can build resilience by working through those uncomfortable instances.
Try to do the opposite of what you would normally do in an awkward situation. Don’t quit as a kneejerk reaction to something uncomfortable. Instead, reflect on the issue when the day is over and figure out a way to tackle it while keeping your job.
Read More: 10 Signs You Take Your Job Too Seriously and How to Fix It
5. Utilizing Constructive Criticism
Using constructive criticism to shape yourself into a better worker is a great way to be a resilient individual. Avoid getting upset when someone else gives you advice that can better your work performance. It might be useful information, even if the individual is underneath you in rank, the same rank, younger, or not even in the same position.
It can be difficult to accept criticism from anyone other than your superior, but you can consider it and determine whether it can be useful.
Read More: Boss Criticizes My Personality: How To Handle Negative Criticisms
6. Balancing Work and Life Well
The best way to stay resilient on a job is to ensure that you have an excellent work-life balance. That means you should have plenty of time for your family, friends, hobbies, and interests despite working a full-time schedule.
7. Being Aware of Triggers
Everyone has triggers that cause stress, frustration, and feelings of inadequacy, but each person’s trigger set is different. Getting to know your personal triggers will cause you to be more resilient at work.
It won’t be easy to deal with work triggers, but perhaps you’ll find yourself more comfortable with them each time you expose yourself to them. The most important thing is to stay put and go through the emotions while maintaining control of them.
8. Seeing the Greater Good
Viewing your job as a purpose you serve for the greater good is another way to stay resilient. You are useful, no matter what small role you have in your job. Keep that in mind at all times, and you’ll do well.
9. Letting Go of Circumstances You Can’t Control
There will be things you can control at work and things you can’t do anything about. Focus only on what you can readily control and let go of the idea of changing anything else. You don’t have much control when you’re in someone else’s domain other than whether you stay there or not. If you choose to stay, you can also choose to give the job your best performance.
10. Engaging in Spiritual Activities
It might be good for you to engage in some spiritual activities, such as prayer or meditation before you go into the job. These processes will get you in the right mindset to deal with anything undesirable that might come your way.
11. Staying Healthy
Commit to a healthy lifestyle to have the strength and agility to do the most effective job. Healthy living includes eating well, taking your daily supplements, staying hydrated, and keeping your emotional wellness strong.
12. Addressing Problems When They Arise
Addressing problems when they arise will teach you resolution skills and reduce your stress levels. Avoid keeping quiet and letting things get to you because the tension will build and take you out of character if you let it. Instead, take the time to speak to your coworkers or managers about any issues to find a solution together.
Read More: How To Solve Problems At Work Like Elon Musk (By Applying His Unique Principles)
13. Keeping Your Emotions in Check
Maintaining control of your emotions is your strongest skill and a great example of showing resilience at work. You’ll be ahead of the game once you can master that.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Never let them see you sweat”? Hold onto that as rule number one when you’re working, and don’t let anyone see you frustrated, angry, unhappy, or disappointed. You must be almost emotionless in this world because many people will go after your insecurities and take advantage of your kindness if you’re not.
14. Not Getting Too Serious
Don’t take the job too seriously. By all means, follow the rules and be safe. However, you should never get hung up on a job as the end-all. At the end of the day, your employer can replace you in no time.
15. Commit To Your Goals
Set challenging but attainable goals and try to meet them every day. Base your goals on your performance, not anyone else’s, and compliment yourself when you meet them.
Now you know some excellent examples of resilience at work. Building resilience at work takes time, but you can master it if you put your all into it. The beginning might be rough, but you know what they say: no pain, no gain.
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